How do I close the PayPal account of a deceased relative?

We’re sorry to hear of your loss. Please note that we can only take instructions from the authorized executor or administrator of the deceased estate to close a PayPal account previously held by a deceased person. If you wish to close the account of a loved one, please contact the relevant executor or administrator.

If you are the executor or administrator of a deceased estate, please follow the guidance below and we can assist with your request.

The following documents must be collected and sent to PayPal for review.

For Canada (All Provinces except Quebec):

  • A cover sheet from the executor (or a person duly appointed or authorized to administer the estate of the deceased customer) identifying the account by the primary email address, stating that the account holder is deceased and that the executor wishes to have the PayPal account closed.
  • The requestor's email address so our Deceased Account Team can reach out directly.
  • A copy of the death certificate for the account holder.
  • A copy of a government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license, passport, or provincially-issued ID) of the executor of the estate.
  • Legal documentation* or a copy of the will that identifies the executor of the estate.
  • A letter specifying what to do with any money remaining in the account.
  • A copy of the Letters Probate (issued by the Court), or the relevant provincial equivalent, from the executor. 
    • NOTE: If the balance in the account is above $1000.00 CAD, a notarized copy of the Letters Probate (which can be provided by a notary public or Canadian lawyer).

For Quebec:

  • A cover sheet from the liquidator (or a person who is duly appointed or authorized to administer the estate of the deceased customer) identifying the account by the primary email address, stating that the account holder is deceased and that the liquidator wishes to have the PayPal account closed.
  • A copy of the death certificate for the account holder.
  • A copy of a government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license, passport, or provincially-issued ID) of the executor of the estate.
  • Legal documentation* or a copy of the will that identifies the liquidator of the estate.
    • NOTE:  If the balance in the account is above $1000.00 CAD, a notarized copy of the Letters Probate (which can be provided by a notary public or Canadian lawyer).
  • A letter specifying what to do with any money remaining in the account.
  • A letter from the liquidator, signed by them and all other legal heirs, confirming that they have been appointed Liquidator, and signed before and stamped by a notary.
  • A copy of the “Notice of Designation of Liquidator”, from the liquidator.

Please mail the documentation to our ICA department for review:

Mail: PayPal, Inc.
Attn: ICA
P.O. Box 45950
Omaha, NE 68145-0950

Upon receipt, we will review the documentation and take the appropriate actions. Any mailed documentation will be destroyed once reviewed. Please note that we cannot return mailed documents.

We can disburse any money that remains in the account in one of the following ways:

  • Withdraw it to the bank account linked to the PayPal account;
  • Issue a wire transfer to a bank account, at a cost of $35.00 USD or currency equivalent. If funds in the account are converted to another currency, PayPal’s exchange rate (including our currency conversion fee) will be used. (For this option, you must also send us a statement of the bank account)

*For the abovementioned documentation identifying the executor, PayPal accepts the following:

  • Letters Probate
  • Letters of Administration
  • Grant of Probate
  • Probate Will
  • Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee; and
  • Similarly legally valid documentation.

***Where the PayPal balance for the deceased customer exceeds $1,000 USD, the above-mentioned document must be notarized.

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